Hello, my name is Andrew

I am a creative developer living in Wichita, Kansas.
My passion is to improve lives with code.


Thank you for checking out my portfolio! Feel free to browse my work, read more about me, or view my GitHub profile.
Got a question or a proposal? Send me a message!

My Story

When I was seven years old, my dad taught me some basic HTML and CSS. I fell in love immediately, and I've never stopped learning since.

My name is Andrew. I'm a creative developer and problem solver.

I really love to code

When a creative person is equipped with programming knowledge and tools, they are empowered to build great things. My passion is to use that power to better the lives of everyone around me.

Whether I'm building productivity tools, websites, or otherwise solving real-world problems, I love to code. There is something incredibly cathartic about it, and seeing the positive impact my work has on others brings me a lot of joy.

  var me = new Person({ name: 'Andrew', age: 27 });

Let's talk

Whether you're interested in hiring me, looking to team up on a project, or simply seeking advice, you are welcome to contact me at any time!

My Work

Here you may browse the various projects I've either built entirely myself, heavily worked on, or contributed to in my time.

My Other Work

If you'd like to see more of my work, please contact me and I'd love to share what I can! Much of my work cannot be shown here due to NDAs, but I would still be happy to discuss some of my open source contributions, side projects, and other creations upon request.